Thursday, May 13, 2010

What a week!

Thank you to those that have complained about me not updating the blog...  I need a bit of a fire lit under my butt, apparently.

I wish I could say all has been well this week (i'd be lying).  Carson started the epic week of illness in this house.  High fever, not eating, C-R-A-B-B-Y!  I worked some of Monday and Ryan took a half day.. 

Dylan looks so happy because he had a sleepover the night before for Kaleb's Birthday

While Carson was down for a nap on Sunday, we noticed a branch was split due to the wind storms.. Sam thought we bought her a new chew stick....

Dylan came down with the same virus as Carson .  He will most likely miss tomorrow nights game...  
Of course this week could go by w/out some drama on Wysteria Lane... Steph, Ryan, Carson and I were sititng here watching HGTV (best channel ever) when one of the neighbors came to the door to inform me two dogs had attacked a neighbors cat...  After we finally caught large dog and small dog (as Ryan named them)  we discovered they lived about 1.5 miles away..  Once we figured out HOW to get them home (this took sometime, they smelled bad) Steph and I took them home. The "people" didnt even know the poor dogs were even missing...  The daughter was very appreciative of bring them home... The father smelled like booze.   I came home and hugged all of my 4 legged kids.. Carson got a ride in Jim's truck... So that makes it alll worth it..   I hope for heathly, sunshine, easy days ahead!   <3 love you all and talk with you soon!

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