Saturday, May 1, 2010


Dylan's double header was rained out today after a night of pretty bad storms! There was a cell with a tornado moving up 21 (highway just south of us).. We had a few twigs in the yard, but nothing like others. We ran errands this morning, picked up some flowers, and played in the yard most of the morning. The afternoon was spent waiting on the second round of storms to come in (its 9:26 and they still aren't here) strange weather day. Enjoy the pictures :D
Dylan listening to his Ipod and reading a book... 16 days of school left..... Lord help us :)

Legos, Firetruck,Chair and Handy Manny... Carson's afternoon was complete!

Dylan playing "wall ball" in the kitchen -- "practice makes perfect he says".. :)

We have more storms moving in tonight- rain is the last thing we need right now.

I'm still getting used to the format of this. :)

Ryan and I are watching the movie Brothers.. Its the first movie we've been able to watch in quite a while... So far I give it two thumbs up!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh sorry that its this hard to read... I'm learning :D
