Thursday, June 10, 2010

Okay, Okay

I'm terribly sorry for the late update on this.....  Now, stop yelling at me.
Its been a pretty crazy summer around here.
Last weekend we did alot of yard work- surprise, surprise.
This is in the back corner of the yard, it will eventually be a sun/rock garden.  It wont be complete...ever.

These are a combo of my clemantis thats wraped around the mailbox and some lillies my friend Anne sent me for my birthday last year.. I love the combo.

Lillies by the front door - they look so pretty this year .

More lillies by the mailbox.. I think I like these flowers :)

Last weekend we had Kaleb over for the night - we always have so much fun when he's here.

We also did haircuts last weekend.  Its buzz cut season!  Except for Carson, I love his little curls!

Our babysitter was off on Tuesday, so Ryan took a vacation day and took the boys to the zoo.  They had a blast, its Carsons new favorite place!

More to come.... Soon.. I promise :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bosworth kitchen has entered the current century!

Thanks to Mama Joan Sisco we were able to bring our kitchen current! YAY!
She was generous enough to make it possible for us to replace the stove I have hated since we bought this house!!  Love her <3

While Ryan and his friend installed the stove I kept the child units entertained with the cheapest most awesome sprinkler EVER!  

Dylan has a baseball game tonight and tomorrow, hopefully we bring home a win!!  :)  <3 you all!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Summer, Summer, Summertime!

Great weekend.  Grammie was in town to visit with the grandkids, lots of fun!  Family pictures on Friday night and sweated our butts of at the Cardinals game Saturday! BBQ after the game with the nieghbors (miss you Steph!)  Today we took advantage of the soggy soil and an extra pair of eyes for Carson, we finished a few projects outside!    :)  Saturday was the day to be at a Cardinals game, that's for sure!  We ran into a bunch of friends and avoided heat stroke!   The temp was 91 when we left.  Cards lost anyways.   For your viewing pleasure.

Back yard

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What a week!

Thank you to those that have complained about me not updating the blog...  I need a bit of a fire lit under my butt, apparently.

I wish I could say all has been well this week (i'd be lying).  Carson started the epic week of illness in this house.  High fever, not eating, C-R-A-B-B-Y!  I worked some of Monday and Ryan took a half day.. 

Dylan looks so happy because he had a sleepover the night before for Kaleb's Birthday

While Carson was down for a nap on Sunday, we noticed a branch was split due to the wind storms.. Sam thought we bought her a new chew stick....

Dylan came down with the same virus as Carson .  He will most likely miss tomorrow nights game...  
Of course this week could go by w/out some drama on Wysteria Lane... Steph, Ryan, Carson and I were sititng here watching HGTV (best channel ever) when one of the neighbors came to the door to inform me two dogs had attacked a neighbors cat...  After we finally caught large dog and small dog (as Ryan named them)  we discovered they lived about 1.5 miles away..  Once we figured out HOW to get them home (this took sometime, they smelled bad) Steph and I took them home. The "people" didnt even know the poor dogs were even missing...  The daughter was very appreciative of bring them home... The father smelled like booze.   I came home and hugged all of my 4 legged kids.. Carson got a ride in Jim's truck... So that makes it alll worth it..   I hope for heathly, sunshine, easy days ahead!   <3 love you all and talk with you soon!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dylans game

Dylan played today at noon.. Interesting weather for us- it was about 55 degrees and windy but sunny.. The boys played a very good game!  We tied 10-10! Good times- good times.  Dylan pitched and played first.
Couple pictures:


I keep forgetting to take the camera on the fields.  These are w/ my phone. eh.


Thursday, May 6, 2010

More flowers

I hope that all of you awesome, amazing, gorgeous people will not get tired of pictures of flowers....  Cause i'm addicted to taking  them!  Enjoy

Carson's 2 year check up!

Weight 30 LBS (69%)

Length (37 1/2 inches) (97%)  They had to measure him laying down- he kept standing on his tippy toes while they were measuring him standing up.. hehe the kid is too much!  They said he'll be 6'3", they can determine that by the age of 2- how cool is THAT?!

Head Circumference (19 1/4 inches) 52%

His development is right where it needs to be.  He had to get two shots - Chicken po and Hep A, he took them like a champ!