Thursday, June 10, 2010

Okay, Okay

I'm terribly sorry for the late update on this.....  Now, stop yelling at me.
Its been a pretty crazy summer around here.
Last weekend we did alot of yard work- surprise, surprise.
This is in the back corner of the yard, it will eventually be a sun/rock garden.  It wont be complete...ever.

These are a combo of my clemantis thats wraped around the mailbox and some lillies my friend Anne sent me for my birthday last year.. I love the combo.

Lillies by the front door - they look so pretty this year .

More lillies by the mailbox.. I think I like these flowers :)

Last weekend we had Kaleb over for the night - we always have so much fun when he's here.

We also did haircuts last weekend.  Its buzz cut season!  Except for Carson, I love his little curls!

Our babysitter was off on Tuesday, so Ryan took a vacation day and took the boys to the zoo.  They had a blast, its Carsons new favorite place!

More to come.... Soon.. I promise :)

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